Quick Start

pre-requesite: install ngit and git-remote-nostr

download binaries and add them to a directory from which they can be run globally:

Linux Mac Windows v1.6.0

alternatively, if you have cargo installed runcargo install ngit or build from source using this git clone url.

Contributor Quick Start

pre-requesite: install ngit and git-remote-nostr

1. find repository

  • search gitworkshop.dev/search for the repository
  • explore PRs and issues
  • copy the git clone url (or press the green clone button to copy the clone command)

2. clone repository

  • using your prefered git client or with the git command you just copied:
    git clone nostr://npub123/repo-identifier

3. submit PR

  • push a branch with the prefix `pr/` for example using git commands:
    git checkout -b pr/great-feature
    git commit -am "improve the world"
    git push -u
  • OR for more options such as including a cover letter use ngit:
    ngit send

4. view PRs

  • for open PRs view remote branches with prefix `pr/` for example using git command:
    git branch -r --list origin/pr/*
  • OR using ngit:
    ngit list

5. update PR

  • if you are the PR author, or a maintainer you can add commits to a PR:
    git commit -am "extra thing"
    git push
  • or revising it:
    git commit -a -amend
    git push --force

Maintainer Quick Start

pre-requesite: install ngit and git-remote-nostr

1. create a git repo and push to a git server

  • for example using git commands:
    git init
    git commit -am "initial commit"
    // create repository on git server and the:
    git remote add origin https://dm.co/usr/my-repo.git
    git push -u origin master

2. initialize on nostr

  • initialize:
    ngit init
  • use the nostr remote to push state to nostr and git server(s):
    git remote set-url origin nostr://npub123/my-repo
  • ensure all maintainers push to the nostr remote and not git server directly so that state on nostr remains in sync

3. view PRs

  • for open PRs view remote branches with prefix `pr/` for example using git command:
    git branch -r --list origin/pr/*
  • OR using ngit with more options such as applying them directly:
    ngit list

4. merge / incorporate PRs

  • the PR status will be automatically updated if you merge the branch:
    git checkout master
    git merge pr/great-feature(e8246b2)
    git push
  • use gitworkshop.dev to make comments or manually set the status.
    ngit list

5. consider turning off PRs and issues elsewhere

  • ie. on git server(s) so they are managed solely on nostr.
  • Note: for github use Repo Settings > Features for issues but turning off PRs isn't yet possible.
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